Got questions? We’ve got answers! Find out everything you need to know about using Lemafun’s resources, from how to download and print our templates to how to ensure you’re using them correctly.

How do I download a template?

To download a template, navigate to the DIY projects section, select the project you like, and you will find links to download the template and a video tutorial for guidance.

What materials do I need for the projects?

Each project description includes a list of materials needed to complete the project. Make sure to check the list before starting to ensure you have everything required.

Can I print and sell these projects?

No, you cannot print and resell any of our projects. All templates are for personal use only and reselling them violates copyright laws. However, you are more than welcome to share the results of your crafts on your social media with a link back to our site crediting the author.

I can’t find a template that I saw here before. What should I do?

Our content is updated monthly, and some older templates might be replaced. If you’re looking for something specific and can’t find it, feel free to contact me on Instagram, and I’ll send you a direct link if available.

I’m interested in collaborating. What should I do?

For advertising inquiries or to discuss a potential project for your business, please email me directly. I look forward to exploring how we can work together!

Hello and welcome to LeMaFun!

Here, you’ll find a variety of fun and educational printables perfect for children’s activities, including paper dolls, mini houses, lapbooks, and school projects. Dive in and discover all the exciting resources that await you and your family!

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