Terms of Use

Welcome to Lemafun! We are thrilled to offer you a variety of creative, educational printables. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, we ask that you follow these terms of use carefully. Your use of our printables constitutes your agreement to these terms.

1. Scope of Use

  • Personal Use Only: All templates and materials provided on Lemafun are for personal, non-commercial use. This means you can use them in your home, classroom, or personal projects without any fees.
    • Example: You can print and use the templates for a home crafting day with your kids or as a teaching resource in your classroom.

2. Prohibitions on Use

  • No Resale or Commercial Use: You may not sell, redistribute, or use our materials for commercial purposes. This includes but is not limited to selling printed or digital versions of the templates.
    • Example: You cannot sell our printables at craft fairs, in online stores, or as part of any commercial activity.
  • No Modifications for Resale: You cannot modify our templates and sell them as your own creations.
    • Example: You cannot alter a template slightly and claim it as your original work for sale.

3. Copyright and Ownership

  • Intellectual Property Rights: All content on Lemafun, including images, designs, and text, is protected by intellectual property laws and is owned by Lemafun or its licensors.
    • Example: You cannot use images from our templates for commercial purposes or in any way that competes with Lemafun.

4. Sharing and Attribution

  • Sharing: You are encouraged to share the results of your projects using our templates on social media or other platforms. However, appropriate credit must be given by linking back to our website or mentioning Lemafun.
    • Example: If you post photos of your completed projects on Instagram, include a caption like “Craft made with a template from @Lemafun – check out their amazing free resources!”

5. Limitation of Liability

  • Usage at Your Own Risk: While we strive to provide high-quality and accurate materials, we cannot be held responsible for any damages or inaccuracies that may arise from the use of our templates.
    • Example: If a template is used in a way that it is not intended and results in a printing error, Lemafun cannot be held liable for any resulting costs.

6. Changes to Terms

  • Updates: Lemafun reserves the right to update these terms of use at any time. Continued use of the site after such changes constitutes agreement to the new terms.
    • Example: If the terms are updated to restrict certain types of prints, you are expected to comply with the new rules from the date they are published.

We hope you enjoy using our resources to enhance your creative and educational pursuits. By adhering to these terms, you help us maintain a positive and lawful community for everyone involved.

Hello and welcome to LeMaFun!

Here, you’ll find a variety of fun and educational printables perfect for children’s activities, including paper dolls, mini houses, lapbooks, and school projects. Dive in and discover all the exciting resources that await you and your family!

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